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Interesting Target-Mediated Disposition Properties

TMDD IV-Infusion

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#1 bwendt@certara.com


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 09:59 AM

Here is a contribution from Johan Gabrielsson to our recent webinar on TMDD:


He just published a paper in the AAPS Journal on TMDD models where he showed how to apply acute dose disposition data/information to predict the target suppression vs ligand (R vs L), complex versus ligand (RL vs L) and ligand concentration at half-maximal R0 and RLmax (L50).


If you are interested, please download a copy of the article:


Attached File  Gabrielsson_et_al-2017-The_AAPS_Journal.pdf   1.11MB   3099 downloads





  • mittyright and Austingar like this

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