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Can I use scripting language to control winNonlin to do some repetitive work?

scripting repetitive work

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#1 0521


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Posted 13 March 2017 - 06:30 AM

Dear Simon Davis,


I read the "Phoenix 1.4 Framework Guide.pdf" document, which has this sentence:


“Phoenix Architectural Overview
» Phoenix is based on a modular, or component based, framework. This design philosophy results in a flexible and robust application platform for future expansion, promotes interchangeability between major and minor system components, and permits third party development of new, specialized tools through the use of Pharsight’s API (Application Programming Interface).”


1.Can I use scripting language to control winNonlin to do some repetitive work?


You should understand the use of winNonlin do the calculation of people will do a lot of repetitive work to test the article,
2.I would like to use script control winNonlin to complete a series of winNonlin repeated operation, which can?

3.Can I use other programming languages to do this work, such as "VB", "java", "Python"?

I read "Phoenix Connect 1.4 User & apos; s Guide.pdf" but not very much.



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#2 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 13 March 2017 - 08:37 AM

The design intention of Phoenix was by making workflow templates easily generated by any user, to be able to do away with users having to write their own scripting code as might have been necessary in WNL 5.x and earlier.


  Please can you clarify the sort of tasks that you are trying to optimise/automate and perhaps I can point you to an example (or already created plug-in e.g. Watson).


  In certain circumstances it may be worthwile considering to speak with our team who have worked with users to write workflows or indeed customised plug-ins, for instance to prepare and validate data sets for population analyses, or connect to a different LIMS or other data source






PS I'm not the only person on the forum so no need to address a question to me personally! ;0)

Edited by Simon Davis, 13 March 2017 - 11:07 AM.

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