Dear Supporter:
I want to change "_1_25h" in "_" to "1.25", but I failed.
1. I use the "Data Wizard"--"Filter"--"Replace", and I find that this can only replace all the contents of the cell, but not part of it.
2. So I switched to other tools, I use the "Data Wizard"--"Transformation"--"Custom",
2.1 replace(Parameter,1,1,"") ,replace first "_" to ""
2.2 if(search(Parameter1,"_",1)>0,Parameter1,replace(Parameter1,search(Parameter1,"_",1),1,"."), replace Second "_" to "." ,this step was failed.
Execution Error
There was an error while executing Workflow.Data Wizard
参数名: startat
2.3 I think it may be my formula input too long, so I then separate the formula into a multi-step, but still the same error hint.
Attached Files
Edited by 0521, 16 May 2017 - 03:03 AM.