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#1 Niels Janssen

Niels Janssen


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Posted 04 February 2011 - 04:28 PM


while the merge object allows several sources, the join can only have two.


For simply adding a column with an additional Parameter calculated via column transformation (say a metbolite ratio) to the pivoted parameter output, it could be useful to be able to that from several sources in one step.




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#2 Simon Davis

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Posted 18 February 2011 - 02:53 AM

Hi Niels, actually it is the Append Worksheets that allows more than two worksheets, since this is use to 'stack' one data set on top of each other matching by column name to make a 'tall' dataset.


Whereas Merge and Join are using the Sort keys to put 2 worksheets together to make a wider sheet. I appreciate that it could be useful to have more than two inputs to such a process and it is already requested as QC 8093, but is not addressed at this time.


  However there are some Specification issues we are still considering so we can resolved many sort columns between worksheets with out making the UI too confusing. This will probably utilise the existing "Sort Map" function Please feel free to comment if you have some suggestions.


  Best regards,




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#3 johmak



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Posted 19 January 2015 - 02:54 PM



I would like to join more than 2 worksheets at once. Is that possible in Phoenix nowadays?


I have data from a multiple dose study and I need to run several NCAs from that data (NCA for each dosing interval).

After running NCAs I would like to combine the NCA results into one worsheet so that it is sorted by subject number and the amount of columns (not rows) is increasing.


It is possible to receive the desired result by executing join worksheet several times (joining the worksheets one by one). However, It is rather time-consuming.


Kind regards,


#4 Simon Davis

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 04:51 PM

Hi Johanna,

  Join is still limited to two inputs, however my first thought when I saw you post was whether you had considered Append since this will allow an unlimited number of input worksheets, however the requirement in bold made me pause...


I have data from a multiple dose study and I need to run several NCAs from that data (NCA for each dosing interval).

After running NCAs I would like to combine the NCA results into one worsheet so that it is sorted by subject number and the amount of columns (not rows) is increasing.


  Why do you want to have more Columns, surely you would want to keep adding the addtitional records as more rows of data e.g.subjects 1-8 plust subejcts 9-16 would give you a total of 16 rows with all e.g. Cmax values in a single column.


  In fact I would go futher and suggest to consider appending the source worksheets together into one input worksheet for a single NCA object?


  However if you really want to make a wide object with lots and lots of columns you could still pivot it afterwards.  Perhaps if you can post a example project and describe why you want the output as you described above we can help you furhter?



Edited by Simon Davis, 19 January 2015 - 04:52 PM.

#5 johmak



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Posted 20 January 2015 - 06:51 AM

Dear Simon,


Thank you for the prompt answer. Seems that I didn´t present the case clearly enough in my previous post, sorry about that.


Here is how the workflow goes:


  • I receive from a statistician a worksheet including all relevant PK raw data from a multiple dose study. The study includes 2 PK days and during each PK day 4 doses have been administered.
  • By using Data Wizard I divide the raw data into 4 worksheets each including data from one dosing interval of both PK days e.g. 0-4 h, 4-8 h, 8-12 h and 12h onwards (note that e.g. time point 4 h needs to be included into the both worksheets describing 1st and 2nd dosing interval).
  • The NCA will be run for each dosing interval separately to receive dosing interval specific Pk parameters eg. Cmax for the 1st dosing interval, Cmax for the 2nd dosing interval...
  • Then NCA results needs to be combined into one worksheet (each NCA includes same subjects but different PK parameters) so that statistician can perform statistical analysis outside of Phoenix

Hopefully this clarifies the case a bit.

Unfortunately, It is difficult to post the data at this stage of the project.




#6 Simon Davis

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Posted 20 January 2015 - 11:10 AM

Hi Johanna, I just made a simple example (in 6.3) where the result from two NCA objects can be APPENDed but as I mentioned more inpts can beadded to this object and I think this should suit your needs from the above workflow description.


Note APPEND, does not need common variables but those that are named the same be 'stacked' on top of each other, with the results in the one column.


Note also a row can be created describing the source which can be usefulif you don't already have a good descriptor column to differentiate the rows.



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#7 johmak



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Posted 22 January 2015 - 05:55 AM

Hi Simon,


Thank you so much for the suggestions.

Seems that at this stage the only option to get the desired final worksheet is to join the NCA result worksheets together one by one.

Maybe in the future joining more than 2 worksheets at once will be possible :)


Kind regards,


#8 Simon Davis

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Posted 22 January 2015 - 07:46 AM

Hi Johanna, please can you explain why the append does not work for you?  That's what I have always used when I need to put several similar worksheets together?



#9 johmak



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Posted 23 January 2015 - 11:35 AM

Picture1.jpg Hi Simon,


I made an example worksheet. It only includes 2 subjects with fictitious PK results. In the real study we have more subjects and PK result of different analytes in the same worksheet. Due to our standard procedures we don't want the empty cells that appending worksheets causes and we want to avoid data handling outside Phoenix (e.g. in excel). As you can see Cmax and Tmax for each dosing interval needs to be named differently for clarity. Therefore we don't have same column names in the NCA worksheets to be combined. 


Kind regards,


#10 Simon Davis

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Posted 23 January 2015 - 12:12 PM

OK Johanna, I still think I can propose a more elegant/efficient workflow, would you be able to post or email me that PHX project please?  Also which version of Phoenix are you using?



#11 ahsannaqi



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 05:43 PM

Adding to this discussion instead of posting a separate question.....


While I find the Append feature very useful, if the datasets that need to be appended have a lot of columns then selecting them one by one for each dataset becomes very time consuming. I wish there was a "select all" feature so That i could use to select all the columns for each dataset by a single click. If I missed it could you please let me know?



#12 Simon Davis

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Posted 08 July 2016 - 01:50 PM

Ahsan, this one is quite simple and can be done in any mapping grid in Phoenix, e.g. sometimes you might first UNSELECT all and then add back what you need.


1) Select the desired column (Radio button) in the top  row.

2) Place cursor on bottom right corner so a white cross appears.

3) Left-click and drag down the mouse to fill all the remaining rows.




I just attached a short video clip (no audio) to illustrate it but you might also want to look at the online training we now offer at  http://www.certarauniversity.com/lms/


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