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The gamma Delay statement

gamma Delay

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#1 Davidq8


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Posted 27 February 2022 - 07:00 PM

I am trying to build a population model with the gamma Delay statement to delay the absorption of the drug. I wrote a PML statement using the knowledge from certara phoenix assistance that described this concept. There is no warning but no iterations when I run the model, and the status is "in progress." I am not sure if the statement needs a correction. The drug was administered orally, and previous population analysis shows two compartments model best describes its PK.
Can I please get help on this issue?

Here is the statement:



 #deriv(A1 = - (Cl * C) + (Aa * Ka)- (Cl2 * (C - C2)))
 #deriv(Aa = - (Aa * Ka))
 delayInfCpt( A1, MeanDelayTime, ShapeParamMinusOne, out = - Cl*C - (Cl2 * (C - C2)),dist = Gamma )
 deriv(A2 = (Cl2 * (C - C2)))
 C = A1 / V
 dosepoint(A1, idosevar = AaDose, infdosevar = AaInfDose, infratevar = AaInfRate)
 C2 = A2 / V2
 error(CEps = 1)
 observe(CObs = C + CEps)
 stparm(V = tvV * exp(nV))
 stparm(Cl = tvCl * exp(nCl))
 stparm(V2 = tvV2 * exp(nV2))
 stparm(Cl2 = tvCl2 * exp(nCl2))
 stparm(MeanDelayTime = tvMeanDelayTime * exp(nMeanDelayTime)) 
 stparm(ShapeParamMinusOne =tvShapeParamMinusOne * exp(tvShapeParamMinusOne))
 fixef(tvV = c(, 1, ))
 fixef(tvCl = c(, 1, ))
 fixef(tvV2 = c(, 1, ))
 fixef(tvCl2 = c(, 1, ))
 fixef(tvMeanDelayTime = c(, 1, )) 
 fixef(tvShapeParamMinusOne = c(, 2, )) 
 ranef(diag(nV, nCl, nMeanDelayTime, nV2, nCl2) = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
Thanks !!

#2 cradhakr


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Posted 28 February 2022 - 01:54 AM

Hi David,


Found a few errors in your PML statement. You need to define the amount transferred from the gut to the central compartment. The statement should be 



delayInfCpt(Aa, MTT, Ntr, out = -Aa * Ka, dist = Gamma)
deriv(A1 = - (Cl * C) + (Aa * Ka))
deriv(A2 = (Cl2*(C-C2)))



I have attached a project file (Sample) that could be of use to you. Please let us know if you need further assistance.



Thanks and regards




I am trying to build a population model with the gamma Delay statement to delay the absorption of the drug. I wrote a PML statement using the knowledge from certara phoenix assistance that described this concept. There is no warning but no iterations when I run the model, and the status is "in progress." I am not sure if the statement needs a correction. The drug was administered orally, and previous population analysis shows two compartments model best describes its PK.
Can I please get help on this issue?

Here is the statement:



 #deriv(A1 = - (Cl * C) + (Aa * Ka)- (Cl2 * (C - C2)))
 #deriv(Aa = - (Aa * Ka))
 delayInfCpt( A1, MeanDelayTime, ShapeParamMinusOne, out = - Cl*C - (Cl2 * (C - C2)),dist = Gamma )
 deriv(A2 = (Cl2 * (C - C2)))
 C = A1 / V
 dosepoint(A1, idosevar = AaDose, infdosevar = AaInfDose, infratevar = AaInfRate)
 C2 = A2 / V2
 error(CEps = 1)
 observe(CObs = C + CEps)
 stparm(V = tvV * exp(nV))
 stparm(Cl = tvCl * exp(nCl))
 stparm(V2 = tvV2 * exp(nV2))
 stparm(Cl2 = tvCl2 * exp(nCl2))
 stparm(MeanDelayTime = tvMeanDelayTime * exp(nMeanDelayTime)) 
 stparm(ShapeParamMinusOne =tvShapeParamMinusOne * exp(tvShapeParamMinusOne))
 fixef(tvV = c(, 1, ))
 fixef(tvCl = c(, 1, ))
 fixef(tvV2 = c(, 1, ))
 fixef(tvCl2 = c(, 1, ))
 fixef(tvMeanDelayTime = c(, 1, )) 
 fixef(tvShapeParamMinusOne = c(, 2, )) 
 ranef(diag(nV, nCl, nMeanDelayTime, nV2, nCl2) = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
Thanks !!



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#3 Davidq8


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Posted 01 March 2022 - 09:50 PM

Thanks, Mouli, for your answer and providing an example project.


I tried to use the same PML statement however both V2 and CL2 were not estimated well. I notice there are no iterations, and both are estimated with very high % CV (% in thousands).


I am wondering if we can use A1 with delay function for an oral drug instead of Aa.


I am not sure how to address this issue.



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  • 2022-03-01 (6).png

Edited by Davidq8, 01 March 2022 - 09:53 PM.

#4 cradhakr


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Posted 03 March 2022 - 11:52 AM

Hi David,


Sorry for the delayed response. Is it possible for you to share your project file? I would recommend not to use the forum. You could e-mail it to support@certara.com or please let me know a suitable time I can connect with you over Teams.


Thanks and regards


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