Hello everyone,
I am using a very simple custom model to fit some dissolution data.
I plan to fit the data to two different equations:
(1) when time<3, Fdiss=kd*(Time^n)
(2) when time>=3, Fdiss=A^(Time)
I am using the following PML model:
test(){ covariate(Time) sequence{ if (Time<3){ Fdiss=kd*(Time^n) } else { Fdiss=A^(Time) } } error(FdissEps = 1) observe(FdissObs(Time) = Fdiss+ FdissEps) fixef(kd = c(, 1, )) fixef(n = c(, 1, )) fixef(A = c(, 1, )) }
However, the following warning message appears: 'Variable 'Fdiss' undefined'
Can anyone help me?
Many thanks in advance
Best regards