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NonLinear Ka

NonLinear absorption

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#1 vetpharma



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Posted 21 March 2023 - 06:38 PM



I modeling a compound using pop PK which follows a non linear absorption. For dose dependent Ka, could you please confirm if the following syntax is correct? 


deriv(Aa = - Ka * Aa)
deriv(A1 = Ka * Aa - Cl * C)
nlKa = tvKa * (1-Dose/(Dose+D50))
C = A1 / V
error(CEps = 0.1)
observe(CObs = C * (1 + CEps))
stparm(D50 = tvD50 * exp(nD50))
stparm(Ka = tvKa * exp(nKa))
stparm(V = tvV * exp(nV))
stparm(Cl = tvCl * exp(nCl))
fixef(tvKa = c(, 1, ))
fixef(tvV = c(, 1, ))
fixef(tvCl = c(, 1, ))
fixef(tvD50 = c(,1,))
ranef(diag(nV, nCl, nKa, nD50) = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
The model is not working so I would appreciate it if you help me to troubleshoot the problem. 
Is that correct to introduce D50 as a param? 
Is that correct to map Dose in Aa and also as covariate or I should separate them?

#2 bwendt@certara.com


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Posted 22 March 2023 - 09:12 AM

Hi Amir,


if you are interested in modeling nonlinear absorption, I would kindly refer you to exercise PK42 from the Gabrielsson book: "Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis - Concepts and Applications, 5th Edition, by Gabrielsson Johan and Daniel Weiner"


His implementation uses a different approach, e.g. saturating the amount of compound in the absorption compartment:


deriv(Aa = - Vm * Aa / (Km + Aa))


You could define Vm and Km as population parameters, e.g. with random effects included.


I would suggest you apply this approach first and see whether it helps to represent your data.



#3 dlweiner



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Posted 22 March 2023 - 02:00 PM



As Bernd suggested, the G&B book has use of an MM model for this (PK42).


The parameterization you are using (1-Dose/(Dose+D50)) is more often used for modeling bioavailability (F).  There are a few problems with your attempt at using this for Ka.  The nonlinear function needs to be a structural parameter, not an eta (n).  The function you are using is unitless, but Ka has units 1/time.  Lastly, you are using 1's (the default) for initial estimates, and that is often a problem.



#4 vetpharma



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Posted 22 March 2023 - 05:07 PM

Hi Bernd and Dan,


Thanks for your recommendations, I will certainly try that. However, I have a problem with the model running. 


The problem is same as when I try to define transit compartment in the model (below). 

The model starts running but after the first iteration for a few seconds it turns back with terrible fitting. I am a bit in doubt in the model building for nonlinear Ka, so I asked you, but the same trend happened for transit compartment and delay function. Do you think that there is a problem or it is normal?



#deriv(Aa = - Ka * Aa)
transit(Aa, mtt, ntr, max=50, out=-Ka * Aa)
deriv(A1 = Ka * Aa - Cl * C)
dosepoint(Aa, idosevar=AaDose, infdosevar=AaInfDose, infratevar=AaInfRate)
C = A1 / V
error(CEps = 0.875127242290243)
observe(CObs = C * (1 + CEps))
stparm(Ka = tvKa * exp(nKa))
stparm(V = tvV * exp(nV))
stparm(Cl = tvCl * exp(nCl))
stparm(mtt = tvmtt)
stparm(ntr = tvntr)
fixef(tvKa = c(, 0.728509724154436, ))
fixef(tvV = c(, 0.0237209174816188, ))
fixef(tvCl = c(, 0.0176748737356305, ))
fixef(tvmtt = c(,2,))
fixef(tvntr = c(,2,))
ranef(diag(nV, nCl, nKa,) = c(0.36942176, 0.10711289, 0.47215645))




#5 bwendt@certara.com


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Posted 23 March 2023 - 02:04 PM

Hi Amir,


we can only diagnose fitting problems with a Phoenix project file. If you can't share publicly you may want to send it to support@certara.com



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