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Importing the same file to add a tab

import data

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#1 mjPK



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Posted 10 October 2023 - 02:59 PM



I am doing a meta review of data and I am serially importing the same excel workbook into Phoenix to add another tab to my project. Is there a way of reimporting data without generating a separate file heading with a number appended?


If I update values or something I would like to just reimport the workbook and overwrite what is there or have the option to add another tab. 


Is that possible?


Thanks in advance

#2 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 10 October 2023 - 03:18 PM

In Phoenix WinNonlin it will create new worksheets as you are seeing, however what i would do is set up your workflow to have datalinks e.g  https://support.cert...orkflow/?p=6925


 then after you have imported sheet "xxx_1" then simply replace the original "xxx" mapped to the datalink with the latest data.


If you need to combine several of these imported worksheets use append in Phoenix and then map its results to the data link.  Is that helpful?


PS (if you use Integral to upload new versions of a worksheet it would *replace* that for you and you would also have access to a comparison tool to show differences;



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