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.drwn files - using PyDarwin 2.0

pydarwin pirana .drwn

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#1 moniola



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Posted 09 January 2024 - 11:17 AM

Hi everyone,


I have a question regarding the new release of the PyDarwin package. 

I installed the new version of Pirana and set up my python environment including the PyDarwin package according to instructions on Certara's GitHub. 


When I try to perform model searches using pyDarwin in Pirana following the tutorial from recent webinar, the example files that can be found on Pirana's help page work just fine.  


When I try to create new .drwn files however, using the newly released web assistant tool the resulting file cannot be used. I get an error message saying that "tokens.json" and "template.txt" files are still required even though they shouldn't be anymore. 


I couldn't inspect or compare the .drwn files from different sources as they are binary files.


Did anyone succeed at using the new tools? If anyone came across similar problems how did you manage to resolve them?


Looking forward to hearing your advice,




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#2 cradhakr


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Posted 10 January 2024 - 02:41 AM

Hi Monika,


 it looks like the search was not setup and/or saved correctly. Perhaps a step missed in configuration setup? https://onlinehelp.c...erequisites1457

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: pydarwin, pirana, .drwn

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