The model's "Output data" includes a file of the etas, and is appropriately named "Eta". Just do an x-y plot of the etas for V and Cl to visually assess if they appear correlated. You can also select "Generate Regression" - "LInear" to add Rsq to the plot. The correlation coefficient is the square root of the Rsq value. In you do decide to include a correlation for the etas when fitting the model, you can do so by clicking on the "Parameters" tab, and then click on the "Random Effects" tab and then unselect the "Diag" option. If you do fit the model with and without "Diag" option, you can then compare the outputs of the 2 models (-2LL, AIC, shrinkage, goodness of fit plots, etc.) to determine if adding the correlation improved the fit.
Hope that helps,