Exciting times - I am now locking this whole forum as we have migrated to the new;
All posts and user accounts have been migrated.
To be able to post, follow threads etc, you will need to login in via CAD*
This is the my.certara.net identity that you are using for Phoenix 8.5 licensing etc.
Note this is normally your organisations address, but you can change the display 'alias' once you login so that your full identity is masked from other users when you post if you desire.
If you've used a gmail or similar on here, please contact me or support@certara.com and I think I should be able to tie you CAD ID to your old posting history if you want too.
Hope you all enjoy the new forum, we'll be making a few tweaks to the look and feel so let me know if you have any comments, otherwise you should be able to get started straight away - looking forward to some good discussions,
* see ...and