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Configuring a New PKS Enviornment

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#1 Greg Moody

Greg Moody


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 01:26 PM

Here at MPI we are a new PKS customer, using PKS 4.0, and are rolling the system out in both our Development and Discovery areas.


As we are new to PKS we have been spending a lot of time on setting up our standard data feeds for the system, we are using the watson connector, the CDISC connector and are building a speical CDISC/Excel connector.


In looking over the specifications we seem to have a wide disaprity between what our our SAS programmers and Clin Pharm team members see as required data to put into PKS.


I was wondering how many columns of data are most people brining into PKS? The last spec on our side was in the 400 range, bringin in a lot of data from CDISC domains. I'll work on getting the spec in a format we can share. Is this a lot more or less than other folks are brining into PKS?


thank you in advance for any info you can share

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