Phoenix Connect has the capability to use 'shortcuts' (paths) instead of bringing the data into Phoenix project when that dataset is very large. This might cause some problems when sharing project files but might be useful for users that can all access a specific server. There is some documentation on this in our User's Guide but it might be helpful to see a project when this is applied for NONMEM, SAS and R. The attached project cannot be fully re-executed because you don't have access to my path but it is hopefully helpful to see how this could work for you.
To include shortcuts use File>Custom Import>File Shortcut. Then you browse to the Shortcut folders from the phoenix connect objects.
The project shows how to do it without shortcuts,then with shortcuts and in the case of R there is an additional example using 'Select Sources'
Ana Henry [file name=shortcuts.phxproj size=1187942][/file]
Edited by Simon Davis, 21 March 2016 - 02:30 PM.