I have one more question. I am running a VPC and I can't find the plot of DV vs VAR over all individuals with the shaded areas which are the liimits.
Can you please help me?
Posted 01 November 2013 - 12:34 AM
The project I am working on is about a POPPK model of cyclophosphamide in populations with Acute Kidney Disease. So, now I want to check the VPC, but as I am used to working with nonmem, I am a little bit lost with Phoenix. Next stage of my project is to add the metabolite model.
Posted 01 November 2013 - 12:00 PM
Posted 01 November 2013 - 04:22 PM
Posted 01 November 2013 - 07:50 PM
of course binning is very important.
Phoenix has optimal built in binning using K-means algorithm and more options are upcoming.
I wrote additional scripts that help visualize the graphs in R lattice or GGPLOT with automatic stratification:
################################################# code starts
# The user is responsible to edit the code to make sure it works for his model
# make sure you have all required pacakges
#Samer Mouksassi
attach(PCDATA) #WNL_IN Scenario Strat IVAR DV0 DV ObsName QI QE#
#PCDATA <- read.csv ("PredCheck_ObsQ_SimQCI.csv")
Stratname <- "Sex"
StratLevels <- c("Women","Men")
Transparencysetting <- 0.2
PCDATA$PK <- with(PCDATA,ifelse( is.na(DV),DV0,DV))
PCDATA<- PCDATA[, c("Strat","IVAR","PK","QI","QE")]
PCDATAm <- melt(PCDATA,id=c("Strat","IVAR","QE","QI"))
PCDATAm <- dcast ( PCDATAm , IVAR +QI +Strat ~ QE +variable)
#PCDATAm $Strat <- ifelse ( PCDATAm $Strat==1,"Men","Women")
# this line above if you want to change the labels
png(file = "vpcplotggplot.png", bg = "transparent")
ggplot(PCDATAm ,aes(IVAR,`--_PK`,ymin=`05%_PK`,ymax=`95%_PK`,fill=QI,col=QI))+
geom_ribbon(alpha=0.1,col=NA ) +
scale_fill_manual(name="Observerd (lines)\nPrediction Intervals (ribbons)",
breaks=c("05%", "50%", "95%"),
geom_line() +
facet_grid(~Strat,, labeller = label_value,scales="free_x") +
scale_colour_manual(name="Observerd (lines)\nPrediction Intervals (ribbons)",
breaks=c("05%", "50%", "95%"),
ylab("Simulated and Observed Quantiles of\n Concentrations (pg/mL)")+
xlab("Time After Dose (h)")+
########## the same but with lattice
panel.bands <-
function(x, y, upper, lower,
fill, col,
subscripts, ..., font, fontface)
upper <- upper[subscripts]
lower <- lower[subscripts]
panel.polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(upper, rev(lower)),
col = fill, border = FALSE,
png(file = "vpcplotlattice.png", bg = "transparent")
xyplot( `--_PK` ~IVAR |Strat,data=PCDATAm, scales=list(x=list(relation="free")),
ylim=c(min (PCDATAm[,4:7] ,na.rm=T), max (PCDATAm[,4:7],na.rm=T)),
ylab = "Simulated and Observed Quantiles of\n Concentrations (pg/mL)",
xlab = "Time After Dose (h)",
group=PCDATAm$QI,lower= PCDATAm[,5] ,upper = PCDATAm[,7] ,
panel= function(x,y,subscript=T,group,ylow=ylow,yup=yup,...){
panel.superpose(x, y, panel.groups = 'panel.bands',fill=c("red","blue","red"),alpha=0.2, ...)
, key=list(space="bottom",columns=2,
text =list(lab=c("SIM 95% PI","SIM Median","SIM 05% PI","OBS 95% PI","OBS Median","OBS 05% PI")),
= list(cex = 1.2)
,var.name=Stratname ,factor.levels=StratLevels)
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