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Welcome to the forum - some tips on how to post and follow....

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#1 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 23 October 2014 - 08:38 AM

I thought it would be useful to put a few comments explaining what you should see in this new forum and how to use it. 


First off you should see better search within the forum as well as indexing by Google and other search engines.


One of the big improvements is the option to get instantaneous notifications of new posts or if you prefer daily or weekly 'digests'.  However to obtain these you have to ‘follow’ the forum(s) of interest. 




To this end we have reduced the number of categories make this easier to follow your interests;


Phoenix WinNonlin Basics - to discuss NCA, data tools, tables, templates, also Reporter


Modelling & Simulation - using the Phoenix engine in both population and individual problems


Advanced Phoenix features - this is aimed to help with primarily CONNECT functions i.e. configurations and interoperability so IT/power users who configure larger workflows using third party tools (i.e. R, PSN, NONMEM) or exchange data with other groups i.e. CDISC, PKS, AP, etc.


IVIVC applying this tool to guide formulation development, biowaivers etc.


QT+  performing rapid comprehensive analysis of ECG interval data from clinical trials, SimCYP’s Cardiac Safety Simulator etc


Lastly, during migration we may have lost some formatting or links to attachments - if you have a problem with an old post please let me know e.g. by Reporting the post and I'll try and get that information re-linked.




PS feel free to ask other forum usage questions here.

Edited by Simon Davis, 23 October 2014 - 08:44 AM.

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#2 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 02 April 2024 - 10:07 AM

I have had to temporarily stop posting for all standard users because, as I am sure you noticed, we were having a lot of spam posters. I am going to try and find a work around but if you have a topic you want to discuss I am happy to post on your behalf and manage the conversation that way.
You and respondents would just email me directly to and i would add to forum.
thanks for your understanding, Simon.

Edited by Simon Davis, 02 April 2024 - 10:11 AM.

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#3 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 03 April 2024 - 06:58 AM

OK, I think i have a workaround, please contact me or support directly if you want to post and can't, thanks, Simon


UPDATE 14 August.  Yes anyone who contacts me with a real reason can be manually removed form the vast list of spammers who joined earlier this year.


Sorry for the manual process but only way to protect the forum currently form the bots.



Edited by Simon Davis, 20 August 2024 - 12:33 PM.

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