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Are you an advanced PK/PD modeler?

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#1 andre.keller@certara.com



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Posted 10 February 2015 - 04:58 PM

Join Dr. Dan Weiner in Munich, Germany from May 18-21 for the 17th Advanced Level Workshop on PK/PD Data Analysis. Register today and receive a 20% discount! (expires 18 March, 2015) 
Learn to apply advanced approaches for conducting PK/PD analysis. This course aims to give the course participants confidence and encouragement to have a go at PK/PD and to practice PK/PD data analysis on real life case studies from discovery, preclinical and  development. The program is comprised of lectures and group exercises with discussion, combined with hands-on PK/PD data analysis sessions.

Course includes:

  • Complimentary copy of Pharmacokinetic & Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis [with CDROM]
    by Johan Gabrielsson and Dan Weiner.
  • Lectures, group exercises with discussion, and hands-on PK/PD data analysis including
    population PK/PD modeling using Phoenix WinNonlin and NLME.
  • Discussions and exercises will enable participants to master state-of-the-art approaches to real-life problems.

Who should attend?
Scientists with at least five years of experience in PK/PD modeling. Qualified graduate students.

Edited by andre.keller@certara.com, 10 February 2015 - 05:00 PM.

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#2 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 07 July 2015 - 10:20 AM

Note the next instance of this course will run in the US, remember if you can sign up early you can get a notable Early bird discount, also there is a discount for multiple sign ups;


Title: 17th Advanced Level Workshop on Pharmacokinetic - Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis - Princeton, NJ
Start Date/Time: Dec 1, 2015 8:30 am
End Date/Time: Dec 4, 2015 3:00 pm
Location: 100 Overlook Center, Princeton, NJ, USA


other forthcoming training for 2015 can be found here (see website for US, India etc., I've just listed the EU ones);



Intro to Phoenix WinNonlin (focussed on Phoenix Model object) (Tue-Wed)  18-19 Aug, Cambridge, UK

Intro to Phoenix NLME workshop  16-18 Nov (Mon lunch-Wed Lunch before PKUK), Chester, UK

Intro to Phoenix WinNonlin (Tue-Thur)  8-10 Dec, Frankfurt, Germany

Intro to Phoenix WinNonlin, Bioequivalence and IVIVC (Mon-Fri) 5 days tbc, Amman, Jordan


  If you don't see a topic you're interested in or would prefer some other location, feel free to comment in this thread or directly via the training link above, as we currently scheduling the classes for the first half of 2016.



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