2016 Hands on courses for IVIVC Toolkit for Phoenix WinNonlin:
22-23 March Boston, MA
& 7-8 Dec Frankfurt, Germany
Certara's 2016 schedule is now published so take a look at our upcoming courses and Eenroll early for 20% off! Student and Group Discounts also available
See our website for more details and other courses in US, India etc. https://www.certara.com/training
Intro to Phoenix WinNonlin, 23-25 Feb 2016, Barcelona, Spain (just a few places left!)
Intro to Phoenix IVIVC, 22-23 Mar 2016, Boston, MA
Intro to Phoenix WinNonlin (Mon-Wed midday) 18-20 Apr, Basel, Switzerland
Intro to Phoenix NLME (Wed midday-Thur) 20-22 Apr, Basel, Switzerland
Intermediate Pop PK with Phoenix (Wed-Thur) 4-5 May, London, UK
Intermediate PKPD with Phoenix (Tue-Fri) 17-22 May, Copenhagen, Denmark
Advanced Phoenix NLME (Mon-Tue before PAGE) 6-7 June, Lisbon, Portugal
Intro to Phoenix WinNonlin, 21-23 Sep 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
Intermediate PKPD with Phoenix (Tue-Fri) 18-21 Oct, London, UK
Intro to Phoenix NLME (Tue-Wed) 15-16 Nov, Barcelona, Spain
Intro to Phoenix WinNonlin, 5-7 Dec 2016, Frankfurt, Germany
Intro to Phoenix IVIVC, 7-8 Dec 2016, Frankfurt, Germany
Edited by Simon Davis, 01 February 2016 - 10:52 AM.