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NCA output Tmax to 2 decimals

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#1 Angus McLean

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Posted 29 October 2015 - 02:09 PM

When doing a routine data analysis using plasma concentrations (at exact times) once in a while one will see a Tmax that has a value such as 13.05 hours e.t.c.  I am wondering if one can adjust the NCA output from the data analysis to produce all Tmax values to be expressed as 2 decimals. So that if a Tmax occurs at 13 hours then we get 13.00 for that subject in the output ..not just 13.



#2 Simon Davis

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Posted 29 October 2015 - 09:45 PM

depending on where you want to see this rounding there are a few options.


In a Table you can of course choose the desired number of places but I imagine you want to see this in a worksheet (or perhaps for export) in which case formatting the worksheet columns can be achieved by double-clicking on the worksheet name in Resutls and thne each column's presentation can be set.  Upon export to e.g. CSV you can request the data is present to this level of precision.



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  • format_columnDisplay.jpg

#3 Angus McLean

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Posted 30 October 2015 - 05:50 PM

depending on where you want to see this rounding there are a few options.


In a Table you can of course choose the desired number of places but I imagine you want to see this in a worksheet (or perhaps for export) in which case formatting the worksheet columns can be achieved by double-clicking on the worksheet name in Results and then each column's presentation can be set.  Upon export to e.g. CSV you can request the data is present to this level of precision.



Thanks Simon:  Yes I will export into Excel.  I will certainly explore your option above.

#4 Angus McLean

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Posted 11 November 2015 - 05:59 PM

Thanks Simon:  Yes I will export into Excel.  I will certainly explore your option above.

Simon:  I do see the option of specifying the number of decimals in the exported Excel file:  allow me to explain my question better.  With exact sampling times used for  data analysis some subjects will have  Tmax values like 10 hours and 5 minutes (10.08 hours used in the input). When you specify the number of decimals then you get a Tmax of 10.08 hours in the output for that subject.  For the other subjects who have integer values of Tmax e.g. 8 hr. then in the output you get a Tmax of 8 for that subject with 2 decimals stipulated.  What I would like to get  is a value of 8.00 in the output for that subject so that it is consistent with the other subject with 10.05 hr for the Tmax.  I am thinking that you cannot do this.  Any thought...................................?


#5 Simon Davis

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 09:35 AM

Yes you can get this style of formatting preserved on export but you must select the CSV export type to be able to select preserve cell formatting.


A futher comment would be if you really want to see what has happened then open the created file in e.g. Notepad, if you open it in Excel you may well see that Excel trims the trailing zeros.  Please look at the two example exports I attach in Excel AND e.g. WordPad to see what I mean.




(sorry seems CSV attachments not currently permitted, I will look into that.)

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  • CSV_preservecellFormatting.jpg

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#6 Angus McLean

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 01:26 PM

Thanks Simon:  I will try an example myself.  



#7 Angus McLean

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 03:47 PM

Simon:  I have Excel 2007. Here is what I did do.  I consider Tmax and lambda paramaters.

I went to final parameters pivoted Table in Phoenix and I set Tmax to 2 decimals and the lamba to 4 decimals and it adjusts  in the final paramaters Table.  You see the 2 and the 4 decimals for these paramaters within Phoenix.

 When you export into Excel as a CSV file (using your settings) then for example what you what you get for Tmax is 17.05 and 13.  The lambda is 4 decimals as stipulated within Phoenix

In other  word the process of entering the Excel environment results in values changed from 13.00 (in Phoenix) to 13.

If you send your data to Table with Phoenix and then export to Excel (righy mouse click) then you get the saem results.   The problem is Excel truncates off from 13.00 to 13.

Any thoughts,



#8 Simon Davis

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 03:55 PM

This is one of the reasons I stopped using Excel as much as I could since I was using SAS in Data Management in the mid-late 1990's, there we specified to use either plain ASCII e.g. .csv or SAS transport files to exchange data to avoid these ambiguities.


 I guess the only option is to set Excel to put the formatting back on again* - but my feeling is supply your data to a customer in CSV and then everyone is clear on what you sent.  How they 'display' or use it after that is their issue.



* perhaps some more expert user of Excel can say how you can force this to happen on import?

#9 Angus McLean

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 04:19 PM

Thank you Simon; I agree...it is an Excel question.  Another related issue is is that if an AUC calculation comes to unity say 240.0; then what happens is that in the Excel  output you will get 240 with the other values in a Table  having one decimal as specified.  It looks odd and I adjust decimals  in Excel tone one decimal.


The reason I output  to Excel  not Word is that the data formatting and organizational features in Excel  are much more powerful than Word, which is a program for Text not Data.  Get the data the way you want it in Excel and then take it into Word; that is what I  do.  What I am hearing from you is that other folks export into Word and I find that odd.

#10 Simon Davis

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Posted 12 November 2015 - 04:22 PM

That's because I've typcially used the Table tool in Phoenix to do all my formatting before hand and then I don't need to touch the table in Word, I find it muchmore efficient and only touch Excel now to do my expenses ;0)

#11 Angus McLean

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Posted 18 November 2015 - 09:04 PM

Simon:  I have tried the approach you recommend i.e. just export into Word not Excel  and I did have success with it using a relatively small table.  I will try it with bigger tables to see how I get on.  I have tried to find out via Excel expert sources if there is a way to prevent removal in Excel of the extra zeros. Excel thinks it is doing you a favor by removing the zeros as redundant.  There is  no way of getting the numbers as expressed in Phoenix to be the same in Excel so 13.00 in Phoenix will on export become 13. 

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