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#1 Angus McLean

Angus McLean

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Posted 24 January 2016 - 12:47 AM

Presently I am trying to make a SAS transport file (xpt extension)  from a Final PK parameters from NCA and I cannot get it to work. Can somebody take  me through it.

It is perplexing because I have made one before.    I go to Final Parameters Pivoted and export to SAS.  At that point you name the file.  SAS TRANSPORT.jpg


I  see red ink in for some of the parameters and I am wondering whether there is a problem with my having the names duplicated.  Now the data set name is 200_103 and I am able to load  the settings I have already put in in a previous attempt.  I am wondering what the steps are to get this to work or whether the red ink indicates that I need to make a change in the file so the ink is no longer red.  I have tried to change the name of the item in red iunk, but even when I do it still remains red color indicating that the problem  is not resolved.


Any suggestions are welcome,



Edited by Angus McLean, 24 January 2016 - 06:55 PM.

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#2 Simon Davis

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Posted 25 January 2016 - 10:09 AM

Hi Angus, probably your not familiar with SAS transport files but they are designed to be cross version and cross-platform in SAS and to that end have several limitations.


 The one you are hitting is that the SAS variable name cannot be longer than 8 characters (the SAS label can be longer and therefore the full WNL column name can be left in there as is.).

  Simply rename No_points_lambda_z to e.g. N_Lz  (no spaces are permitted in column names)

and you'll see that line is no longer red.  Continue renaming those you want to keep (your sponsor/colleagues may have a guideline or even mapping file), you can also simply set them to not export by selecting 'False' under INCLUDE.


  once you have done either of these for every line that has a variable name greater than 8 chars then you can save your settings to use again in another project/time, and make your export.


  Another 'trick' is to simply send your client Final Parameters sheet since less column names to change and they can re-pivot it as they desire .





Attached Thumbnails

  • sas_transport.jpg

#3 Angus McLean

Angus McLean

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Posted 25 January 2016 - 12:26 PM

Hi Angus, probably your not familiar with SAS transport files but they are designed to be cross version and cross-platform in SAS and to that end have several limitations.


 The one you are hitting is that the SAS variable name cannot be longer than 8 characters (the SAS label can be longer and therefore the full WNL column name can be left in there as is.).

  Simply rename No_points_lambda_z to e.g. N_Lz  (no spaces are permitted in column names)

and you'll see that line is no longer red.  Continue renaming those you want to keep (your sponsor/colleagues may have a guideline or even mapping file), you can also simply set them to not export by selecting 'False' under INCLUDE.


  once you have done either of these for every line that has a variable name greater than 8 chars then you can save your settings to use again in another project/time, and make your export.


  Another 'trick' is to simply send your client Final Parameters sheet since less column names to change and they can re-pivot it as they desire .



Thanks Simon: No I was not aware of this limitation.  I will look at this option.  The variable in red must not be greater than 8 characters.  I think I can rename them in that sheet right there. I see a "rename " heading...............yes?  The "false" approach" I will use to exclude unnecessary variables. Another option is to send my collaborator an Excel file of the "final parameters".  I favor the Excel option, but I want too pursue the transport file approach.  Time is short, since my activities have been interrupted by a snow storm.  At an earlier date I had the same problem and an Excel file was acceptable.  Right now I cannot get out of my house.


#4 Angus McLean

Angus McLean

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Posted 26 January 2016 - 12:49 PM

Simon:  I do follow above and how you save the format of your data settings:  one question I do have is that if I have a subject number 6004 is that classified as text not a number  with 4 significant figures.  I am thinking "yes".

For the sequence ABC it for sure is classified as text with 3 significant figures.  For period 1 I am thinking this is also classified as text with i significant figure.  Is this OK from a SAS perspective.?



#5 Simon Davis

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 04:17 PM

SAS has all sorts of special formats that Phx won't necesarily be offering to create since it thinks of columns as either text or numeric. Auto is normally good enough - personally I would think if the cell says 'Period 1' then of course it is text, hoever a column period that contains just numbers I would expect to be numeric. If you have 'flagged data' and you're in any doubt I would probably set a column to be text to preserve whatever flags/precision/formatting you have on it currently at export.

Note if you state something is numeric but have some cells which are text, they will be exported as missing to SAS. Look at the screen shot below, (using the free SAS viewer you can download from their website).

In Phoenix (Far right) the time column has been set to TEXT so the word 'predose' can be accomodated
The first worksheet was exported with the Time column forced to be numeric so it becomes missing in SAS as indicated by the '.' for missing values in a numeric column.

THe middle worksheet was exported with the Time column set to AUTO so the text value was preserved in SAS.


Edited by Simon Davis, 27 January 2016 - 04:20 PM.

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