Please refer to the attached document, which serves as an Introduction to the Phoenix Model Object interface, and how its Text Modeling Language (PML) compares to NONMEM models. We strongly encourage you to review this material prior to using or adapting model(s) of interest from the Forum. Examples that show the NONMEM models translated to PML will be posted for the following modeling categories:
- 1 Compartment PK
- 2 Compartment PK
- 3 Compartment PK
- PK/PD and Indirect Response
- Categorical Data
- Count Model
- Time to Event Data
As a registered user, you may post a reply on the forum to ask a Certara Scientific consultant for clarification of any details about each model.
For detailed user's guide information, please refer to the Phoenix Help menu:
Phoenix model user interface: Help > Contents > Phoenix Model > The Phoenix Model Object
Phoenix Text Model syntax, including features that are not available in NONMEM: Help > Documents > Phoenix Modeling Language Reference Guide.pdf
Note: all Phoenix projects in this forum are run in Phoenix 7.0 (build
Introduction_to_NONMEM_NLME_Translation.pdf 1004.57KB
Certara Scientific Support Services