This is a 1 compartment PK/Emax model with a single Oral dose and inhibitory PD.
In NLME, the model engine is Quasi-Random Parametric Expectation Maximization (QRPEM). For details about QRPEM, refer to Phoenix Help > Contents > Phoenix Model > Phoenix Model Run Modes, Engines, and Output > Phoenix Model Engines > QRPEM.
In NONMEM, the model engine is Importance Sampling (IMP) EM.
For model translation information, refer to the attached slide deck.
NONMEM_NLME_TRANSLATION_1Comp_Oral_PK_Emax_Inhibitory_QRPEM_IMP.pdf 741.28KB
The model is run in both NLME and NONMEM in the attached Phoenix project file.
1Comp_Oral_PK_Imax_QRPEM_IMP.phxproj 2.24MB