NCA theory and models are defined for a single dose event, if you give more than one dose even it will return results from only the last dose for each profile as defined by the sort keys . If you want to analyse this as an NCA then I think you will have to make a compromise of defining this as an infusion only. However I would recommend that you avoid this design in future and understand where the differences may come from.
In the attached project I have performed a number of simulations with clearance of 6L/h and 60L/h (typical and high values for a drug) and NCA's on a very rich profile from the simualtion and one with a more realistic sample schedule.
Subject 1 is set up to be simualtes with the true dosing info and Subject 2 as if the same total amount of drug was all given as a constant infusion 0 to 5 hours. You can see in the table below how some common parameters might vary in their estimation.
I hope this helps, SImon.
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