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Format G8 in exported output

export formatting

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#1 ltecrs



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Posted 09 August 2019 - 06:27 PM

Is there any way to preserve the custom format G8 when exporting to CSV?


Barring that, is there any documentation around the format G8 so it could be replicated when pulling a Final Parameters file into SAS?


The 'Final Parameters' dataset from a NCA analysis I ran does not match the 'Final Parameters Pivoted' in terms of value formatting when exported (in either excel or csv). The former would be much more useful to pull into SAS, but seems to inappropriately add trailing zeroes on a number of estimates.


The pivoted values appear to maintain the formatting as displayed, but are much more difficult to work with.

#2 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 10 August 2019 - 06:18 AM

Hi Liz, can you confirm the version of phoenix you are using and perhaps illustrate it with a project and exports you are obtaining. 

I just performed a simple export to CSV from 8.2, (I do not normally choose cell formatting but export the full precision values) and as you can see these both seem to match pivoted and unpivoted?

What is it you want to achieve?  Simon.

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