Hello everyone,
As of my understanding for numerical deconvolution or convolution the first step was to fit a model to the IV Bolus to obtain the UIR/Macroconstants that need to be corrected by the dose.
These UIR will then be used in the convolution with my input rate to obtain a drug profile of an extravascular administration.
In the case that the IV Bolus follows a 2 compartment body model (Macroconstants: A,B, alpha, beta), but the extravascular adminstration has to be 1 compartment body model, is it correct to assume that I am only interested in the last part of the IV Bolus function which shows the actual elimination (the inital phase of the IV shows distribution phase, that i dont have in the extravascular adminstration).
To be more concrete:
1) IV Bolus (2 compt) gives me A,B, alpha, beta
2) to obtain convoluted Extravacsular profile (1 compt) I only use B and beta as unit impulse response
Is that correct?
Thank you very much for your guidance!
Best wishes