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Simulation: to combine two different formulations

Simulation Prediction

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#1 Renee



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Posted 28 May 2021 - 05:55 AM



There are two different formulations containing the same API:

(1) daily released formulation (already have the single dose-PK data (time vs concentration))

(2) weekly released formulation (already have the single dose-PK data (time vs concentration))


Can someone please tell me how to predict the PK curve of the following condition? the subject receives the daily formulation for 7 days, after that, the subject receives the weekly formulation for 3 weeks.




Edited by Renee, 28 May 2021 - 06:23 AM.

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#2 cradhakr


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Posted 28 May 2021 - 07:44 AM

Hi Renee,


Please find attached the YouTube link on Simulation and hope this could be useful.


Certara University: Quick and Easy Steady State Simulations in Phoenix - YouTube

you can also download the project file from Certara University. 




#3 bwendt@certara.com


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Posted 28 May 2021 - 09:58 AM



you may want to consider having two different absorption compartments for the two formulations. This would allow you to define different parameters for the absorption process. In its simplest form (e.g. first-order) it would look like this:


deriv(Aa1 = -Ka1 * Aa1)

deriv(Aa2= -Ka2 * Aa2)

deriv(A1 = Ka1*Aa1 + Ka2*Aa2 - Cl*C)


You may want to post your project file if this does not resolve your issue.



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