In a PML model created using text edit mode, is it possible to include a line of code to calculate the AUC from the predicted c vs time profile, i.e. as a secondary parameter? If so, could anyone please provide me with the code?
Posted 19 September 2011 - 04:03 PM
In a PML model created using text edit mode, is it possible to include a line of code to calculate the AUC from the predicted c vs time profile, i.e. as a secondary parameter? If so, could anyone please provide me with the code?
Posted 19 September 2011 - 04:06 PM
Posted 19 September 2011 - 05:27 PM
Posted 18 October 2011 - 08:54 AM
Dear Simon,
I would like to send PHX WNL classic data to NCA, but the predicted data tab includes both predicted and observed data which are not separated by function values. NCA could not handle duplicates in the input data set.
Have you any idea to handle this?
Thank you
Posted 18 October 2011 - 10:41 AM
Sorry Bertold - I don't think I understand the question, if you have WNL classic output from a compartmental model then the Predicted and Observed data are in different workbooks. Even in a Phoenix model the predicted and observed data are normally presented in different columns, can you perhaps show us the project or a fragment of the file that causes you these difficulties.
Posted 18 October 2011 - 12:15 PM
Posted 18 October 2011 - 01:52 PM
I guess your Predicted tab is also containing the observed time events hence the duplicate row times that NCA cannot accept. However I've not seen this from WNL classic models before - it would be interesting to see the whole project to understand how that came about. I just tried to perform an NCA on Predicted data from a simulation I had to hand and it executed with no issues
Your workaround is fine, in a PML model another option would be to explicitly request only the timepoints you wanted to see using a table statement; e..g seq(0,4,0.05),seq(0,48,1)
Posted 18 October 2011 - 02:17 PM
I guess your Predicted tab is also containing the observed time events hence the duplicate row times that NCA cannot accept. However I've not seen this from WNL classic models before - it would be interesting to see the whole project to understand how that came about. I just tried to perform an NCA on Predicted data from a simulation I had to hand and it executed with no issues
Your workaround is fine, in a PML model another option would be to explicitly request only the timepoints you wanted to see using a table statement; e..g seq(0,4,0.05),seq(0,48,1)
Posted 19 October 2011 - 09:22 AM
Dear Simon,
the duplicates in the predicted tab resulted from my dosing regime, I guess. I have a 2 compartment model with i.v. dose (1st 0-0.5 hrs and 2nd 0.5-24 hrs). The model creates 2 (at 0.5 hrs) time events in the predicted results with identical concentrations.
I would like to use the PML model and have the same problem as Katherine above wit PHX version 6.1.
Could you please provide me the appropriate secondary parameters for (I am using micro constants as primary parameters):
AUC (=AUC inf)
AUC (24hrs to inf): I guess the best way would be "AUC - AUC (0-24 hrs)" (first dose at 0 hrs, second starting at 0.5 hrs)?
I am using a big data set wit many subject and have tried 3 ways (sparse sampling but we need individual results):
WNL classic mode (PK9), PML with WNL (PK9) and PML with 2 compartment (intraveneous plus infusion).
The latter PML is best because it could model nearly all subjects. However, some subjects in the PML analysis generate negative values for K10. In both WNL modes the same subject is modeled with acceptable results. Have you any idea what I could improve in PML? I have used same initial estimates.
Thank you
Posted 19 October 2011 - 03:44 PM
Posted 21 October 2011 - 10:00 AM
Posted 21 October 2011 - 01:54 PM
Hi Simon
Belated thanks for the deriv(myAUC = C) idea - it seems to work!............
My problem now is that I'm using the text edit mode for my model, since it is not a classic PK model. Therefore in the Run Options tab there is no option for adding a table - how can I visualise the AUC in the output then?
I have come up with a very non-elegant idea for a workaround - that is, making myAUC an observation, then creating a dummy observation workbook with a column called myAUC. Then I only need 1 row, in which I set time to be the time I want the AUC at (e.g. 24), I then do the simulation in SIMULATION mode, and in the Residuals results sheet, I have the AUC at 24h. (see screenshot)
Is there any other/better way of doing it, given that I don't use microconstants etc...?
Kathryn [file name=screenshot_AUC.bmp size=649782][/file]
Posted 21 October 2011 - 03:22 PM
The Table option *should* be on the Run Options tab, regardless. Before I report a bug, let me verify a few things:
version of Phoenix (from help | about)
population model or not (I think not)?
Run Model = Simple?
Warnings tab messages (last tab in the model object) if any.
Can you post a screen shot of the Run Options tab?
Posted 26 October 2011 - 04:29 PM
Dear Simon,
Thank you for your help! I have tried different ways, but unfortunately the A1InfDose was not accepted. I have used different variables, see log-file from PML model:
Variable 'A1InfDose' undefined
Variable 'A2InfRate' undefined
Variable 'A1InfDose' undefined
Variable 'A1InfRate' undefined
Variable 'dose' undefined
Variable 'dose_rate' undefined
Variable 'A1Dose' undefined
Variable 'A1Rate' undefined
Variable 'A1_Rate' undefined
Variable 'Rate' undefined using”A1 Rate”
In the settings under results, I could find: dose(A1<-"dose", "dose_rate").
I guess, there is only one dose accepted (A1) - possibly at different time events as seen in the result tab under "dosing".
"myAUC" calculations seems to be o.k. within the model.
Do we need a special declaration for both doses in the text mode?
Posted 28 October 2011 - 09:11 AM
Posted 28 October 2011 - 01:37 PM
thank you for your tip with the General tab. It works faster than running the whole model but with the same results (undefined). Attached is the PML code which works only using A1 and A2 (instead of A1Dose/A1InfDose and A1InfRate/A1DoseRate). However, A2 is not the correct parameter for the secondary parameters, I guess. E.g. in my dosing setup infusion durations are set to 0.5 and 23.5 hours and the estimated Tinf values differ from that (values estimated below 0.5 in most cases).
deriv(A1 = - Ke * A1 - K12 * A1 + K21 * A2)
deriv(A2 = K12 * A1 - K21 * A2)
deriv(myAUC = C)
C = A1 / V
error(CEps = 1)
observe(CObs = C + CEps)
stparm(V = (tvV))
stparm(Ke = (tvKe))
stparm(K12 = (tvK12))
stparm(K21 = (tvK21))
fixef(tvV = c(, 10, ))
fixef(tvKe = c(, 0.5, ))
fixef(tvK12 = c(, 0.07, ))
fixef(tvK21 = c(, 0.12, ))
secondary(r1 = ((tvK12+tvK21+tvKe)^2-4*tvK21*tvKe)^0.5)
secondary(Alpha = 0.5*(tvK12+tvK21+tvKe+r1))
secondary(Beta = 0.5*((tvK12+tvK21+tvKe)-r1))
secondary(Tinf = A1/A2)
secondary(a1 = (A2/tvV*(tvK21-Alpha))/(Alpha-Beta)/Alpha)
secondary(b1 = (-(A2/tvV)*(tvK21-Beta))/(Alpha-Beta)/Beta)
secondary(AUC = A1/tvV/tvKe)
secondary(Cmax = a1*(exp(-Alpha*Tinf)-1)+b1*(exp(-Beta*Tinf)-1))
secondary(A = -a1*Tinf*Alpha)
secondary(B = -b1*Tinf*Beta)
secondary(Cl = A1/AUC)
secondary(AUMCIV = A/(Alpha*Alpha)+B/(Beta*Beta))
secondary(AUMC = AUMCIV+(Tinf*AUC)/2)
secondary(MRT = AUMC/AUC-Tinf/2)
secondary(VSS = (A1*(AUMC/AUC-Tinf/2))/AUC)
secondary(Ke_hl = log(2)/tvKe)
secondary(Alpha_hl = log(2)/Alpha)
secondary(Beta_hl = log(2)/Beta)
secondary(Cl2 = tvK12*tvV)
secondary(V2 = Cl2/tvK21)
I observed the same problems with builtin models.
Posted 04 November 2011 - 12:38 PM
I am using a PML text model with AUC calculated by secondary paramters and using the myAUC command. I observed a decimal shift between both AUC calculations and can't find the reason.
The model includes an i.v. dose at 2 time events (0 and 0.5 hours) by infusion.
I have attached my project with AUC results in Table 02/04 (myAUC) and AUC from sec parameters (see Table Secondary).
Has anyone any idea why the AUCs from sec. parameters are lower in this case?
[file name=AUCs.phxproj size=520288][/file]
Posted 07 November 2011 - 05:10 PM
The AUC from the secondary parameters is computing AUC = Dose/CL, but is only using the first dose which is 10% of the total dose. Hence, the factor of 10 difference.
The AUC computed by integration does not consider dose. It is also only the AUC to the final observed time. You can extrapolate the AUC like this:
deriv(myAUC = C)
AUCextrap = C/Ke
AUCinf = myAUC+AUCextrap
The extrapolated value is good when given at a time on the terminal phase.
Maybe this will work better for you, as the model is linear:
deriv(elim = Ke*A1)
AUCcalc = (A1+A2+elim)/Ke/V
add in the elimination compartment, then total dose is sum over all compartments. This should provide an accurate and constant AUC value over all times. Note this is only valid for linear PK.
Happy modeling,
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