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Certara University On Demand Course

Training Certara University

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#1 Ronette Gehring

Ronette Gehring


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 03:57 PM

I recently purchased the On Demand Course OC-101 (Population Modeling Using Phoenix NLME). The course appears under "My Courses" in my Dashboard, with the status "Waiting" but I cannot enter the course (it is not clickable), and when I click on the link under "My Statistics" I get the message "Error while processing the requested operation". Can somebody please help me find out how to access this course I have paid for? I cannot find any link to get help for specifically for Certara University.

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#2 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 04:54 PM

Hi Ronette, i'm sorry to hear this, i'm on holiday this week but just forwarded your problem to the administrator of the on demand LMS and hipefully we can resolve this for you fairly quickly.


#3 Ronette Gehring

Ronette Gehring


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 06:00 PM

Hi Ronette, i'm sorry to hear this, i'm on holiday this week but just forwarded your problem to the administrator of the on demand LMS and hipefully we can resolve this for you fairly quickly.


 Thank-you for the quick reply. I received an e-mail from support and can now access the course. It seems like one's enrollment needs to be approved from Cetara's side. Perhaps there should be a note informing registrants of this process to avoid confusion in the future? I'm looking forward to future On Demand Courses as well. A great idea!


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