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Error in NCA Steady-state dosing interval

winnonlin nca steady-state

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#1 sylviachen



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Posted 10 April 2019 - 01:50 PM

Hi all, 


I'm fairly new to WNL and have been using Phoenix 8.1 just recently. I've mostly worked with single-dosing using NCA.


I have tried to combine single-dosing (0-24hours) and repeated dosing data (steady-state timepoints) in one full analysis but I keep encountering this error msg "ERROR: 14061: No data in steady state dosing interval; program terminating." Although I am able to execute, I am prompted to see text output for details as final parameters could not be generated.


I have indicated tau to be 24 hours, since drug was administered once per day; continuously for 14 days. 

Attached File  PK Winnonlin input-Steady state.xlsx   11.39KB   1337 downloads

Time points for first 24 hours are 0, 15min, 30min, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 8h, 24h. Steady-state is expected after day 5. Subsequent sampling were taken at day 6, day 13 and day 20. 


Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?


Thanks in advance!

#2 Helmut Schütz

Helmut Schütz

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Posted 10 April 2019 - 05:44 PM



please upload your project (and not just the data). We have no crystal ball. ;-)

 Best regards,

#3 sylviachen



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Posted 11 April 2019 - 05:37 AM

Oops, sorry about that!

here it is! Attached File  Drug PO-steadystate.phxproj   406.27KB   1024 downloads


#4 Helmut Schütz

Helmut Schütz

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Posted 11 April 2019 - 03:48 PM

Hi Syvia,


Oops, sorry about that!

here it is! attachicon.gifDrug PO-steadystate.phxproj


THX! I see that you mastered one of the secrets: Always give the dose in the same mass-unit as the concentration. :) 

You sorted both for SN and Subject_ID. That’s not necessary because they are unique. Any one of them is enough.

Now for the problem – which is impossible to solve with NCA and your data. In the last interval you have just one concentration >LOQ. Hence, the Error message is correct.

You could only try modeling. BTW, the concentrations of the first subject decreased. Maybe you have to deal with saturation.

For the future: If possible, sample the entire steady state profile. Try to get at least the last three pre-dose samples (in your example days 18, 19, 20).


Hope that helps.

 Best regards,

#5 sylviachen



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Posted 12 April 2019 - 01:51 AM

Hi Helmut, 


Thanks so much for your input. We have chosen the following time points on the basis that steady-state will be reached by Day 5. (ie. Day6, Day 13, Day 20).


Could you advise how I could do modeling to make use of the data after 24hours? I've only done NCA and have not wandered into the realm of modeling yet.


Thanks again.



Hi Syvia,



THX! I see that you mastered one of the secrets: Always give the dose in the same mass-unit as the concentration. :)

You sorted both for SN and Subject_ID. That’s not necessary because they are unique. Any one of them is enough.

Now for the problem – which is impossible to solve with NCA and your data. In the last interval you have just one concentration >LOQ. Hence, the Error message is correct.

You could only try modeling. BTW, the concentrations of the first subject decreased. Maybe you have to deal with saturation.

For the future: If possible, sample the entire steady state profile. Try to get at least the last three pre-dose samples (in your example days 18, 19, 20).


Hope that helps.

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