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Samples not taken after every dose

Compartmental analysis NLME

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#1 Ronette Gehring

Ronette Gehring


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Posted 24 February 2021 - 05:48 PM

I have a time-concentration dataset for about 12 individuals. The drug was administered multiple times, but blood samples to measure concentrations were only taken after the first and last dose. The dosing interval was relatively short compared to the half-life, so there was accumulation. I would like to fit a compartmental model, but since there are no concentration data after the doses between the first and last, Phoenix seems to be having trouble. I would like to keep the data following the first and last dose linked to the same individual and I would also like the doses in between to be recorded as they inform the accumulation. Do I have to set up the datasheet in a special way to make this possible?

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#2 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 24 February 2021 - 06:38 PM

Hi Ronette, you should not need to set up the data sheet any differently than normally - but maybe the data is too sparse/too infrequently to easily model. Maybe if you can share your project we can check your mappings and maybe make some suggestions.


how complicated is the model you are proposing ?

i.e. is it extravascular how many compartments?



Edited by Simon Davis, 24 February 2021 - 06:40 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Compartmental analysis, NLME

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