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self-define model structure with if, else

time nlme if else regressor

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#1 linda



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Posted 11 January 2024 - 03:58 PM

Hi Everyone,


I am trying to code a self-define model structure with ifelse statements in Phoenix nlme for a pop Pk model.


I would like to have a statement like this:


if t < Tin
  ddt_Ac = k * Ac - kel * Ac
  ddt_Ac = - kel * Ac
Q1: Ac is target PK concentration, starting at day 10, and initial value should be fixed as a regression variable with subject ID which could be read from inputs.
How should I code to define start time and its subject dependent initial value?
k, kel and Tin are parameters needed to be fitted.
Q2: How to code if else statement with a uncertain condition (Tin needs to be fitted)?
I wrote a partial code for this model structure, please give me some suggestions for these two questions.




stparm (Ac = Time=10? Ac=y0)

stparm(Dev = Time<Tin ? k*Ac-kel*Ac:  -kel*Ac)

deriv(Ac = Dev)


error(AcEps = 1)

observe(AcObs(Time) = Ac+ AcEps )


fixef(tvTin= c(,1,))

fixef(tvk = c(, 1, ))

fixef(tvkel = c(, 1, ))


stparm(Tin = tvTin * exp(nTin))

stparm(kel = tvkel * exp(nkel))

stparm(k = tvk* exp(nk))


ranef(diag(nTin, nk, nkel) = c(1, 1, 1))








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#2 bwendt@certara.com


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Posted 12 January 2024 - 03:47 PM

Hi Linda,


there is something a bit unclear about your model:


you are defining Dev as structural parameter:


stparm(Dev = Time<Tin ? k*Ac-kel*Ac:  -kel*Ac)


This should actually be a deriv() statement, since you are coupling concentrations (Ac) with micro constants (k, kel)


Should Ac be fixed until Time=10 ?

When you have a first order input (k*Ac) what is the dose?

Perhaps, you can provide more details?




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#3 linda



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Posted 12 January 2024 - 06:51 PM

Hi Bernd,


Thank you for your reply. I agree that I should use deriv(), instead of stparm()

The model is just a kinetics model, where is no dose. The model is used to fitting the data with two phases, production phase with k and decay phase with kel. I can solve the Q1 by chaning the initial time points. But I still need help for Q2, which is how to sturcture a two phase model.


I rewrote a code, but still couldn't run successfully.





deriv(Ac = Time<Tin ? k*Ac-kel*Ac:  -kel*Ac)


error(AcEps = 1)

observe(AcObs(Time) = Ac+ AcEps )


fixef(tvTin= c(,1,))

fixef(tvk = c(, 1, ))

fixef(tvkel = c(, 1, ))


stparm(Tin = tvTin * exp(nTin))

stparm(kel = tvkel * exp(nkel))

stparm(k = tvk* exp(nk))


ranef(diag(nTin, nk, nkel) = c(1, 1, 1))






Edited by linda, 12 January 2024 - 06:51 PM.

#4 bwendt@certara.com


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Posted 12 January 2024 - 07:45 PM

Hi Linda,


please try this as a first draft:


deriv(Ac = k*Ac-kel*Ac)
error(AcEps = 1)
observe(AcObs(t) = Ac+ AcEps )
fixef(tvTin= c(,10,))
fixef(tvk = c(, 1.5, ))
fixef(tvkel = c(, 1, ))
stparm(Tin = tvTin * exp(nTin))
stparm(kel = tvkel * exp(nkel))
stparm(k = t<Tin? tvk* exp(nk):0)
ranef(diag(nTin, nk, nkel) = c(1, 1, 1))
It will produce a two-phase curve:

#5 linda



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Posted 12 January 2024 - 08:02 PM

Hi Berna,


Thank you for your quick reply. The code can execute. What is sequence{Ac=10}, is that for set an initial value? I would like to set initial value at time 0 from data. Is that possible? I attached input dataset to make you more clear.




Edited by linda, 12 January 2024 - 08:02 PM.

#6 bwendt@certara.com


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Posted 12 January 2024 - 09:00 PM

Sequence{AC=0} sets the initial value for Ac, you are right.


You can read in values from a file with:




then you can read those in through:




Here is the output:



#7 linda



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Posted 15 January 2024 - 06:21 PM

Hi Berna,


Thank you so much. The initial question Q1 is solved. 


However, when I check the fitted population parameters, I found a problem:

I used Monolix for this fitting before. They can support if else statement as

if t < Tin
  ddt_Ac = k * Ac - kel * Ac
  ddt_Ac = - kel * Ac
And I found our approach gets a smaller value of k. I am thinking whether because we have some timepoints setting k as 0. Whether we have another way for coding this?

#8 bwendt@certara.com


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Posted 15 January 2024 - 06:34 PM

Hi Linda,


the implementation of if-else condition in Phoenix is just using a different syntax:


stparm(k = t<Tin? tvk* exp(nk):0)


means, that while time is smaller than Tin, the value of k is estimated, e.g. tvk. When time is greater or equal to Tin the value of k =0


When you look at the differential equation, the first term, k*Ac will be 0 when k=0:


deriv(Ac = k*Ac-kel*Ac)


Hope, this helps.



#9 linda



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Posted 19 January 2024 - 07:02 PM

Hi Bernd,


Thank you for your answer. I think if we set k =0 for phase 1, I will effect the population estimation value of k because theotically there should be no k value on phase1. 




Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: time, nlme, if else, regressor

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