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#1 Helmut Schütz

Helmut Schütz

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 01:17 PM

Dear all,


are you aware of a method which would allow to map Start-/End-Times for the estimation of Lambda_z? Say, I have a table which contains columns subject, Start Time, End Time, Exclusions (blank), Fit Method (Time Range). PHX’ default for the Fit method is ‘Best Fit’. If I drag my table it seems (!) that I can map my results. However, if I re-execute the WF, PHX returns to ’Best Fit’.

A workaround is to copy/paste Start- and End Times (the Fit Method changes to ‘Time Range’) and “survives” re-execution.

Edited by Helmut Schütz, 15 September 2015 - 02:11 PM.

 Best regards,

#2 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 01:54 PM

Hi Helmut, I seem to recall this was logged as an enhancement request, i.e. add option for 'Select source' to Slopes set up but I can't see it currently.  Will double check the Dev database when I have a better internet connection and let you know the reference.



#3 Ana Henry

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 04:38 PM

Hi Helmut,

Currently there is no option to use an internal worksheet for the NCA slopes. Can you explain how you are are dragging the table to map it?  




#4 Helmut Schütz

Helmut Schütz

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 04:50 PM

Can you explain how you are are dragging the table to map it? 


Hi Ana,


see the attached project. In the sub-WF ‘TTT setup’ I have a DW ‘TTT final’ with the required results. In ‘NCA TTT’ I tried to drag/drop the results to Setup>Slopes. Now I mapped:

subject > Sort

Start_Time > Start Time

End_Time > End Time

Exclusions > Exclusions

Method > Fit Method

Attached Files

 Best regards,

#5 Ana Henry

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 08:20 PM

Hi Helmut,

I looked at your project and I don't believe that the workflow is picking up the worksheet that you are mapping in a correct way.  I think you found a loop hole in the program but the capability to take an internal worksheet in the slopes is not currently implemented.  I see that it lets you map a worksheet but it is not working correctly.  If you look at the diagram it doesn't indicate that there is any input to the slopes.   I will write a ticket number for this.  I don't recommend you use this and you should use your workaround to copy and paste the data into the slopes and set them all to Time Range.



#6 Helmut Schütz

Helmut Schütz

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:02 PM

Hi Ana,


I looked at your project…


Sorry, I uploaded an outdated version. In the ‘true’ Worrksheet, rename Lambda_z to kel and HL_lambda_z to HL. THX.


I see that it lets you map a worksheet but it is not working correctly. If you look at the diagram it doesn't indicate that there is any input to the slopes.


Yep. I expected that since the columns’ headings did not show up in orange as usual in mapping.


I will write a ticket number for this. I don't recommend you use this and you should use your workaround to copy and paste the data into the slopes and set them all to Time Range.


My standard procedure. At least the Fit Method changes automatically to Time Range once Start-/End-Times are pasted. ;-)

 Best regards,

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