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Is there a way to get "mean ± SE" either using Table object or by any other method

Table mean±SE

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#1 ananthha



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Posted 28 August 2016 - 08:17 PM

Hi All,


Is there is a way in Phoenix6.4 to directly get output "Table" listing the PK parameters Cmax, Tmax, T1/2 etc in the form of mean ± SE.


Attached is an example screenshot of the table format that I need.


After running an NCA, I applied "Table" object to "Final Parameters Pivoted" worksheet, but this does not give me the PK parameters in the form of "mean ± SE". Is there  a custom table format that can be created for this purpose?




Attached Thumbnails

  • MeanAndSE_table.png

#2 Simon Davis

Simon Davis

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Posted 02 September 2016 - 07:35 AM

Hi Hari, this is certainly possible in Phoenix and I suggest two ways to do this.

The first does not require any programming and can be easily maintained by the users if they need to make some simple edits e.g. 2 dp vs 3 sf,

a) use desc stats to get the SE values etc. you want.
b ) use a data wizard to concatentate (and round if necessary) these values to get the string
c) use the concatenated values in the table. (natively Phoenix tables will only put one value per cell in a table and cells can't be merged.


The second would be more involved as get a new custom table you would need to define the XML, CSS and XLST files. You can either write this your self (or with your IT dept), referencing the user guide.

Edited by Simon Davis, 02 September 2016 - 07:35 AM.

#3 ananthha



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Posted 02 September 2016 - 10:57 AM

Simon Davis, on 02 Sept 2016 - 07:35 AM, said:

Hi Hari, this is certainly possible in Phoenix and I suggest two ways to do this.

The first does not require any programming and can be easily maintained by the users if they need to make some simple edits e.g. 2 dp vs 3 sf,

a) use desc stats to get the SE values etc. you want.
b ) use a data wizard to concatentate (and round if necessary) these values to get the string
c) use the concatenated values in the table. (natively Phoenix tables will only put one value per cell in a table and cells can't be merged.


The second would be more involved as get a new custom table you would need to define the XML, CSS and XLST files. You can either write this your self (or with your IT dept), referencing the user guide.


Thank you, Simon.



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