Hi All,
I wanted to transfer 3 built-in PK models to its corresponding Phoenix models. But the results from built-in models and Phoenix models are different.
Background: 2-compartment model, oral dosing, dose= 23158.
In the projects, there are three PK library models: A and B used PK model 11, and C used PK model 12. There are also three PHX models corrsponding to library PK models.
PK library model A: PK model 11 (no Tlag) and no weighting (uniform);
PHX model A: Micro, extravascular 2-ct, additive
Result: no big difference.
PK library model B: PK model 11 (no Tlag) and with weighting (1/Yhat*Yhat);
PHX model B: Micro, extravascular 2-ct, multiplicative (0.1)
V1_F 73.404213 tvV 82.5805
PK library model C: PK model 12 (with Tlag) and with weighting (1/Yhat*Yhat);
PHX model C: Micro, extravascular 2-ct, tlag, multiplicative (0.1)
V1_F 82.956782 tvV 102
Furthermore, when I ran the built-in PK model, I have to give the initial estimates, otherwise, there was a execution error "Failed to fit model" (the last model in the projects). Why did this happen?
Please see my project attached for more detail.
Thank you!
Attached Files
Edited by LLLi, 18 November 2016 - 03:02 PM.