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Access denied message


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#1 Vijay Ivaturi

Vijay Ivaturi


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Posted 02 December 2014 - 12:38 PM

Dear All, 


I am getting an access denied message pointing to the TEMP Phoenix folder when running a simple NCA. 

Details - 

Windows 7 64 bit, with full admin rights

Latest version of Phoenix

Multiple dose NCA (day1 and day 5) - sort levels and order are ID and DAY

number of subjects = 2000


The program verifies doses and then starts profiling the curves and throws this error message (attached) in a few minutes. 


What I tried -

Checked access permissions to that folder - I have complete access

I saved the workflow in to a different project and tried after restarting phoenix. 

I plotted all the 2000 subjects and don't see any specific outliers or profiles that may confuse the program. 


Any help is appreciated. 





Attached Thumbnails

  • nca_error.jpg

#2 Wendt



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Posted 02 December 2014 - 01:00 PM

Hi Vijay,


we have seen this before, here is our solution:


Symptom: While running an NCA model, Phoenix gives the error "Access to the path "winnlin.*" is denied, where "winnlin.*" can be any of the following files:




Cause: These are temporary files that Phoenix creates and deletes while running the NCA analysis. If a virus scanner on the machine is actively scanning the temp directory, Phoenix will throw this error when it tries to delete the file(s).


Solution: add an exception to the virus scanner so that it does not scan the Phoenix temp directory, which is in the following location by default:


For Windows XP/2003: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\Phoenix


For Windows Vista/7/2008: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Phoenix


where "username" is the Windows login name supplied when logging into the machine.






#3 Vijay Ivaturi

Vijay Ivaturi


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Posted 02 December 2014 - 02:48 PM

Hi Bernd, 

Thanks for the prompt response. I requested access to add the exception at my workplace, but in the meanwhile, I shut down my internet, turned of the virus protection, restarted the computer and tried running the same analysis - no luck, I get the same error again. 

Does it matter if the virus scanner has the exception or it is turned off globally?

Best Regards,


#4 Wendt



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Posted 02 December 2014 - 04:32 PM

Hi Vijay,


I would suspect that the scanner is still running, can you please verify? There is really no other reason for this problem to show up.





#5 Vijay Ivaturi

Vijay Ivaturi


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 02:06 AM

Hi Bernd - 

I added the exceptions as you suggested without any success. Attached are the error messages and the exceptions that I added in the symantec anti virus program

Any suggestions?


Attached Thumbnails

  • nca_error.jpg
  • exceptions.jpg

#6 Wendt



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Posted 18 December 2014 - 09:26 AM

Hi Vijay,


this might be a more tricky case. Let's take this offline and work through the support channel where

I'll get back in touch with you.





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