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Simultaneously model a drug and its metabolite

metabolite simultaneously nonlinear

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#1 LLLi


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Posted 15 September 2016 - 05:01 PM



I am trying to simultaneously model a drug and its metabolite (PK19 in Dr. Dan Weiner's book).


There are totally 3 dose levels (300, 50 and 10 mg iv infusion in 5 min). This model is supposed to include a 2-compartment drug model with Michaelis-Menten elimination that provides the formation of the metabolite, and a 1-compartment metabolite model.


I first used a graphical 2-compartment iv infusion model and then added another central compartment for metabolite. Please see more detail in the project attached. After I click the execute bottom, I got a warning message  saying

"Could not merge sort times

Some data that is expected to be numeric is not
Please check your source data".
I checked my source data and all are numeric.
Could someone help to check my model? Thank you!

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#2 serge guzy

serge guzy

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Posted 15 September 2016 - 05:35 PM

Dear LLLi

If you look at your data set, you will see that at the end you have empty rows.

The program tries to identify the patient number but all is empty.

Just delete all the empty rows at the end and all will be fine.

I corrected the project and it is attached.

best Regards


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: metabolite, simultaneously, nonlinear

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